
EWAOL development has moved to the SOAFEE Special Interest Group and is now hosted at, and the official documentation at:
For more details on SOAFEE, please see
Note the following documentation is only applicable to the EWAOL’s repo hosted here:

User Accounts

EWAOL distribution images contain the following user accounts:

  • root with administrative privileges enabled by default. The login is disabled if ewaol-security is included in DISTRO_FEATURES.

  • ewaol with administrative privileges enabled with sudo.

  • user without administrative privileges.

  • test with administrative privileges enabled with sudo. This account is created only if ewaol-test is included in DISTRO_FEATURES.

By default, each users account has disabled password. The default administrative group name is sudo. Other sudoers configuration is included in meta-ewaol-distro/recipes-extended/sudo/files/ For virtualization images, above user accounts are created for Control VM and Guest VM domains.

If ewaol-security is included in DISTRO_FEATURES, each user is prompted to a set new password on first login. For more information about security see: Security Hardening.

All Run-Time Integration Tests are executed as the test user.

An EWAOL distribution image can be configured to include run-time integration tests that validate successful configuration of the EWAOL user accounts. Details of the user accounts validation tests can be found in the User Accounts Tests section of the Validation documentation.